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Vietnam visa application form

Apply for the official Vietnam visa.

  • Fill in
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With this form you can submit a visa application for one or multiple travellers at the same time. You only need to fill in your contact and travel details once. You will then fill in the details of each traveller that you wish to include in this visa application. Clicking on an entry field will bring up more information on the right-hand side. Click on the -icon for a brief explanation of the corresponding question.

Contact information


Travel information



First overnight stay in Vietnam

You can only apply for a visa if you know the address of your first overnight stay in Vietnam. Enter the street, the house number and the city. If you do not have this information, click on ‘Search’.


Emergency contact


Traveller information

Fill in the details of all travellers below, including yourself and accompanying children. If you do not have the details of all travellers readily available, you can also submit separate applications per person.

Traveller 1 Remove traveller

Passport information

The visa will be linked to this passport. Typing errors could lead to an incorrectly linked and therefore invalid visa.
Be very precise when copying passport details.


Multiple nationalities

Does this traveller have a second nationality?


Other passport

Has this traveller ever travelled to Vietnam using another passport?


Travel history

Has this traveller travelled to Vietnam in the past 12 months?


Background questions

Does this traveller hold another valid passport?


Has this traveller ever violated Vietnamese laws and regulations?


Are there any accompanying children under 14 years of age listed in this traveller's passport?


Is this traveller currently in Vietnam?


Add travellers to the form

Each traveller needs their own visa, including accompanying children. By adding your fellow travellers to the same application form, you do not have to fill in the contact and travel details each time.


Before the visa application can be processed, each traveller needs to submit a passport photo and a passport scan. These files can be submitted online, after paying the visa fees.

Statement of agreement

You can only submit the application if each traveller consents to the statement of agreement. By consenting, you declare, among other things, that all the questions in this form have been answered truthfully and as comprehensively as possible.

Read the full statement here


If you click on an entry field, a detailed explanation will appear here.

Questions? +44 2038 236 408

Passport help is a commercial and professional visa agency that is an official partner of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), with the membership number 57231226. assists travellers in obtaining the visa for Vietnam. acts as an intermediary. It is not a law firm, does not employ any lawyers, does not provide any legal advice, and is in no way part of any government. You can always directly apply for a visa at the immigration service (for 640,352 VND per visa, via In that case, you will not receive any assistance. When you apply with, our support centre is at your disposal on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis. We also manually review your application and all documents you provide before submitting them to the immigration authorities on your behalf. If we suspect any errors or omissions during this process, we will contact you immediately to ensure that your application can still be processed swiftly and correctly. To use our service, you pay 640,352 VND in consular fees, which we pay to the immigration service on your behalf, as well as £35.09 in service fees (including VAT) as a remuneration for our mediation. Our services have already saved many travellers from major problems during their trip. If an application is rejected despite our support and double-checks, we will refund the full purchase price (unless an application for a Vietnam visa has been previously rejected for the same traveller). Read more about our way of working here.